Saturday, 31 July 2010

Vertical Explosion Training Program Review

Add 10 Inches To Your Vertical In Just 10 Weeks

Body: In almost every sport an athlete can improve their performance by adding inches to their vertical jump and by becoming faster and quicker.

However, this is easier said than done and if you have ever tried any of those vertical jump or speed training workouts out there you were probably disappointed with your results.

That is all about to change. I was just talking to Kurt Howard and he was telling me about his "Vertical Explosion Training Program" and some of the results his athletes were getting from the program.

One of his athletes added 12 inches to his vertical in the first 8 weeks on the program. Another added 5 inches in just the first month!

He even got a message on Facebook from a mother telling him that her daughter had added 6 inches in the first 7 weeks. Pretty impressive!

Kurt's program has been seen on sites like, and and and has been used by over 1,600 athletes across the globe.

This is not your average, cookie-cutter training program. It is a highly effective and finely tuned program to add 10 inches to your vertical and give you explosive speed and quickness in just 10 weeks.

I urge you to head over to his site and watch the video where he explains what makes his program different from the rest and why it is so effective.

--> http://

You can thank me later ;)


The Lotto Black Book Review

The author states-
This huge work took about eight years. It didn’t matter too much to me. I had the time of my life because I was playing with numbers. After countless failed “ revelations” and endless testing … on a beautiful day in April, I decided to give another shot to my latest discovery. I played a simple ticket that cost me $5.

Bang!!! The next weekend hit me with the best news of my life: I WON $200,000 in cold cash! I hit all 6 numbers. It wasn’t a lot of money in game that week . Here’ s my first check:

Visit here for more details => The Lotto Black Book

The Lottery Black Book" Is…

A simple lotto system that can be played by anyone in any country with minimum money to invest

The first and still the only proven method that can make you a winner 5 out of 10 times
A step–by–step plan, so easy to understand and apply that even a 7 year–old kid can do it.
Your ticket to a new life full of happiness and joy.
Praised in hundreds of thank you letters I received from people all over the world.

Friday, 30 July 2010

Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Quickly Using These Amazing and Proven Tips

Your partner walked out on you..

You're feeling lonely, depressed and anxious...

If you've recently went through a divorce or a painful breakup then it's pretty normal to feel that way. Breakups and divorces are some of the most traumatizing events in someone's life, yet millions of couples are facing them every single day. One thing you should do now, is to think as positive as you can because every relationship can be reconsolidated and brought back on its tracks. Yes, you can get your ex back simply following the advice below.

First of all try to control your emotions and build your self-confidence. If he or she is gone now that doesn't mean it's the end of the world even if you feel that way. Acting desperate, falling into a depression or acting too emotionally needy is not the way to go when pursuing to get your ex back. In fact, you will only drive your ex further away by acting desperate or harassing them all day long with text messages, emails or phone calls.

Here's what you have to get over the breakup pain and get your ex back quickly:

Spend your time wisely and give them a bit of space for now to re-think upon the relationship. They need it, believe me. One of the most common reasons a relationship grows stale or becomes boring is because there's nothing there to spice it up, yet one of the partners becomes too "emotionally needy". Always look at the positive part, do sports for a change, go up and meet some of your old friends that you have neglected for such a long time and that will surely help you keep your mind off the painful breakup.

Contacting your ex: Only do so when you feel prepared, you need to make sure that you've admitted all your mistakes and you've managed to change yourself.

To get your ex back you'll need patience and will power and that's exactly why time plays an important role here.

==> To Learn More About The Get 2 Ex System visit=> www.

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Body Re-Engineering Review

Why So Many People Have Turned To Body Re-Engineering In Order To Achieve Their Fitness Goals?

Body Re-Engineering was designed by a guy who much like the rest of us, was not born with great genetics. He was overweight throughout his childhood and then during his early teen years got afflicted with anorexia as he did not know how to go about losing his extra weight. After that, he spent years studying every article ad book on exercise and nutrition as well testing and documenting what worked and what didn’t. The end result of all this work was not only a championship physique, but also a system that can be used by any regular person to achieve the shape that they are looking for. The system is called Body Re-Engineering as it will literally re-engineer the way you look.

Why Is Hugo Qualified To Give Advice?

Hugo not only has over 18 years of personal experience in training himself but he is also a certified trainer and sports nutritionist. He also holds multiple natural bodybuilding competition titles, including a 4th placing at the NPC Team Universe, where only the elite champion natural bodybuilders from all over the country get to compete.

He’s been featured in national and local television, countless magazines, and several radio shows. He has also written articles for dozens of online and offline publications as well. Through personal and online training, he’s guided thousands of clients in their quest to gain muscle and lose body fat, whether their goal is simply to look good in a bathing suit or enter a bodybuilding competition (or just look like one).

But what separates Hugo the most from other “fitness experts” is that he is also a published best selling fitness author with a successful line, “The Body Sculpting Bible” line, which has sold hundreds of thousands of books that can be found in any good bookstore (or online ones like on the topic of gaining muscle and losing fat. Hugo’s style of writing is very logical and extremely easy to follow; as Hugo’s background is in computer engineering.

What Makes His System Different From Other Fitness Systems?

Hugo’s system reflects a practical and individualized approach to fitness. Depending on what your goals are, and what your specific body type is, Hugo teaches you in Body Re-Engineering how to modify your training and diet program in order to achieve the exact results that you are looking for. Though the system was originally designed for bodybuilding, it shows you how to modify the principles for simple weight loss and muscle tone. Men and women can use it and the system explains how to tailor the diet for each gender. And best of all, unlike other programs that work at first but then leave you hitting a dreaded plateau many weeks later, BRE is designed to bring about continuous results by preventing the body from getting used to the workouts or the diets. This is accomplished through the use of the cycling principle.

The Cycling Philosophy Allows For Continuous And Fast Results

The problem with most fitness programs out there is that they are “static” and “one size fits all” formulas. In other words, they present a training routine and a diet program that regardless of which body type you have, you are supposed to follow until you achieve your desired fitness goal.

There are several problems, however, with this approach:

Problem #1: Training and diet-wise, a program that remains the same will work for as long as the body takes to get used to it. Once the body learns to cope with the stress imposed by the program, your gains will cease to come.

Body Re-Engineering Training Solution
The Body Re-Engineering program not only provides 21 weeks worth of training routines, but each week the routines change in an orderly manner that takes the body to the brink of overtraining and then allows it to recover, and thus, overcompensate (grow) in response to the stress. This is what the author refers to as "The Cycling Principle".

The Cycling Principle is the key to consistent and rapid increases in muscle mass and strength for the bodybuilder. This principle states that in order for the body to respond optimally, it cannot be trained in the same manner all the time and that the best way to make the body respond is through the correct variation of exercises, volume (number of sets times number of reps), intensity (how heavy the weight is), and rest periods between sets.

Workout parameters are going to be determined by the phase of the program you are in. There are going to be three phases that we will be repeating over and over again. The first three weeks, the "Loading Phase", is going to be a high volume phase with short rest between sets. Training volume gradually increases over the course of the three weeks in order to stress the body almost to the point of overtraining. Then the second three weeks are going to be a higher intensity/lower volume phase (heavier weights) with longer periods of rest between sets. This phase is called the "Growth Phase", as volume is reduced but weights are increased in order to let the body catch up and supercompensate (grow muscle size and strength). After these two phases comes the third phase that will only last 1 week, the "Active Recovery Phase". In this phase you will only train with weights twice a week on a full body routine before starting up again with a different "Loading Phase". After the third phase you go back to the first one and start over again with different exercises. The logic is the following:

During the Loading Phase the body is stressed with an increasing high volume of work that if kept for too long will eventually result in overtraining and injury. During this phase, three things will happen:

1) The growth hormone output goes through the roof due to the short rest interval between sets and the high volume.

2) Hypertrophy (muscle growth) occurs by the body increasing the levels of creatine, water and carbohydrates inside the muscle cell. This phenomenon is called muscle voluminization.

3) The body’s recuperation capabilities are upgraded in response to the stress imposed by the increasing volume of work coupled with short rest intervals.

During the Growth Phase the body is not stressed by volume. This time the stimuli are heavy weights. If this phase would be kept for too long eventually the body would cease to stop making strength gains and you would plateau. This is the reason why you always need to go back to a Loading Phase. During this phase the following three things will happen:

1) The testosterone levels go through the roof in response to the longer rest in between sets and the heavier weights.

2) Hypertrophy (muscle growth) occurs by the body increasing the actual diameter of the myofiber (the muscle fiber size) through increased protein synthesis.

3) Since your body’s recuperation abilities were built up to the maximum by the previous phase and the volume has gone down dramatically, these extra recuperation abilities are used to increase strength and build more muscle mass. The reason the body does this is in order to be prepared for another stressful period like the one it just went through. This adaptation mechanism is the one that ensures the survival of the species.

The Active Recovery Phase has three main functions:

1) First, according to leading strength expert Tudor Bompa, Ph.D., “you are trying to adapt the anatomy of the body to the upcoming training so that you can create, or produce an injury free environment”. Essentially, your tendons and ligaments should be strong enough to support the stressful periods that will follow.

2) Second, this phase is a great time to address any strength imbalance that your body might have. This is the reason why mostly dumbbell work will be used during this phase.

3) Finally, this phase will act as a great time in which the body will re-charge its energy stores and allow for complete physical and mental recuperation.

As you can see, by continuously alternating between phases and also changing exercises, you will get continuous results!

Nothing is left to guesswork as all exercises, sets, repetitions and rest in between sets are all specifically defined. In addition, all of these routines have been used by the author himself, as well as many others out there, so they are not only based on sound scientific principles but also on real world practice.

Body Re-Engineering Nutrition Solution
Specific ways to vary the diet are presented in order to maximize muscle gains without fat gains, or to lose body fat as muscle is gained.

For instance, when losing body fat the biggest mistake people make is that they cut calories endlessly in an effort to lose fat. However, the body is a very smart self preserving machine so after a short while it learns to live with the lower caloric intake. In order to do this, muscle mass is typically consumed for fuel as fat stores are preserved in an effort to ensure survival. Then the poor dieter plateaus and tries to either exercise more or lower calories further. However, if calories would have been increased by only a couple of days then such situation would have been avoided. It is imperative that calories are increased for a couple of days a week in order to trick the body into thinking that no dieting is taking place, and thus keep results coming. This technique also prevents muscle loss.

Now, for gaining muscle, typically too many calories are consumed and bodybuilders allow themselves to go way above 10% body fat ending up simply getting fat. Guess what? For most people there is no need to consume such a huge amount of calories. Only hardgainers, which are the minority, need to do this as well as some mesomorphs. Most people only need around 500-700 calories above maintenance, making sure that two days out of 7 calories are lowered. Why? If calories remain constantly high, most of us will grow very well at first. However, once the body's glycogen (carbohydrate) stores like the muscles and the liver are completely full, guess what happens? Yes, you got that right, whatever is not burned gets stored. Unless you want to look like a blimp, this needs to be prevented. How is this prevented? By lowering calories for a couple of days. In this manner, we also create a situation where once the calories are increased again we get an anabolic effect; something that does not happen when you keep calories constant.

So as you can see, the Body Re-Engineering diet prevents the body from getting used to it by using calorie cycling. The last thing you want is a diet that starts out great at the beginning but then you hit a plateau and either you cannot lose any more fat or, if you are trying to gain muscle, either you get stuck at a certain weight or start gaining more fat than muscle. Again, because most diet programs are static, just like training, the body is given the opportunity to adapt to it. Once the body adapts, then forget about any gains! However, the Body Re-Engineering diet takes this into account and manipulates the calories for both the fat loss phases and the muscle gain phases.

By manipulating the training variables in order to maximize results and cycling calories on a weekly bases the results obtained are so dramatic that it will have others wondering what you are doing.

Problem #2: One size fits all formulas cannot provide results for everyone.
Just like there are different people, there are different metabolisms based on body type. In order for each body type to get the best results, they should follow the right training frequency and nutrition plan for their type.

What Makes Body Re-Engineering Different?
Recommendations in regards to training frequency are made so if you are a hardgainer you will not be training as frequently as someone who isn’t. An endomorph however can train as often as 5-6 days a week with weights. Programs that lack this sort of individualization are unable to provide optimal results for everybody.

As far as nutrition, different diet recommendations are made based on the body type that the person has. For instance, a skinny hardgainer needs more calories and a higher carbohydrate base than an endomorph like myself who has a slower metabolism. A gifted mesomorph (naturally muscular and lean person) however needs a diet that lies somewhere in between an ecto and an endomorph. In addition, recommendations are made for troubleshooting your caloric intake. If after a week of using the recommended amount of calories you see that you lost 5 lbs but yet you are trying to gain, the system teaches you how to fix that problem. And of course, if you are not sure, then you can look for help in the forum.

The BRE diet is based on normal foods that can be purchased at the grocery store and it is not a low carbohydrate program. Carbohydrate intake is 45% of the total calories or more depending on body type. While the use of protein shakes is recommended for those unable to eat 5-6 real meals a day, the program is designed to work with simple natural foods found at any grocery shop. In addition, the basic supplements program is nothing more than multiple vitamins, minerals and essential fats.

When you combine all of the above with the advice provided on which bodybuilding supplements to purchase (information that will save you tons of money), how to achieve better sleep, what to eat when at fast food restaurants, the several additional resources that are available in the member’s area (such as exercise videos, training and nutrition logs just to name a few), and the fact that any question you may have can be answered by an expert (or by the author himself) on the member’s forum then you see why this system is a must have for anyone who is interested in losing fat and gaining muscle. Better yet, the cost for it is a tiny fraction of what most people spend on their monthly supplement bill.

To learn more about Hugo’s cycle training principles and Body Re-Engineering Program visit:

==> www.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

The Man's Book: The Indispensable Guide for the Modern Man Review


"a fascinating guide to being a man in the 21st century... it will make a wonderful present or simply a great guide to the confusions of modern life." (GQ ONLINE )

"This simple cover, drawing on a more sophisticated and classic look, marks it as a lifestyle guide for the mature metrosexual. From details about spirits, to a comprehensive summary of the life of James Bond, this collection is sure to appeal to men of all tastes." (THE BOOKSELLER - Men's Lifestyle, top title )

Under the headline VIRILE AND PROUD OF IT, the reviewer says her "own in-house uber masculine metrosexual.... amid alarming belly laughter... is literally convulsing with admiration.... (Thomas Fink) is displeased by this marginalisation of masculinity. He wants gentlemen everywhere to stand up and take note. Ladies should be aware that it makes for an illuminating afternoon when they do." (NEW STATESMAN, )

"Bloke facts, rules and tips.... stacks of handy, ZOO-Style info: how to start a fire with a Coke can, make cocktails, build a treehouse." Three stars (ZOO MAGAZINE )

"A big celebration of the human male form, spelling out all the stereotypes that make us so unique. A must, if urinal etiquette confuses you." Three stars (NUTS MAGAZINE )

"Every now and then a book comes along that makes you ask yourself: why didn't I think of deserves to sell in truckloads, and it probably will." (LITERARY REVIEW ) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

THE BOOKSELLER - Men's Lifestyle, top title

"This simple cover, drawing on a more sophisticated and classic look, marks it as a lifestyle guide for the mature metrosexual. From details about spirits, to a comprehensive summary of the life of James Bond, this collection is sure to appeal to men of all tastes." --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Click the link below for all reviews=>

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Six Pack Ab Workout - How To Increase Your Strength, Endurance, & Lose Belly Fat

By Jamin Thompson

When training to develop the all elusive six pack, it can be difficult to decide which ab workouts are the best. If you have been in the game for a while, you’ll notice that most of the ab workouts you’ll find out there are just abdominal targeting exercises. Pretty useless stuff if you want a killer midsection.

If you know anything about my training philosophy, you’ll know that I don’t preach training the abs directly to lose belly fat. You need a more total body approach that uses compound movements.

Here is a total body workout that will help you become more powerful, build your endurance, and torch your belly fat. The exercises you will use in this circuit are: back squats, power shrugs, plyo step-ups, depth jumps, jump squats, vertical jumps, and reverse crunches.

Exercise Descriptions:

Back Squats:
-Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes slightly turned out.
-Keep the abdominals tight.
-Slowly descend until the upper legs are parallel to the floor.
-Maintain an upright position and avoid leaning forward.
-Push back into the start position.
85% of one rep max for 8 reps

Power Shrugs: (from the floor)
-Using a barbell, keep your head up, chest up, and hips down.
-Lift with your legs from the floor to the knees.
-At the knees, explosively accelerate the bar up into a shrug while trying to “jump” up off the ground with a shrug at the top.
-Be sure to keep your arms straight through the entire exercise to prevent your arms from pulling the weight up instead of driving with the legs.
-Drop the weight to the floor after the shrug and repeat the lift from the ground.
4 sets of 8 reps

Plyo Step-Ups
-With one foot on a box or bench, drive into the bench with your lead foot and jump into the air.
-While in the air, switch feet and have the opposite foot land on the bench.
-Repeat this sequence rapidly trying to jump as high as you possibly can each time.
4 sets of 10 jumps each leg

Depth Jumps:
-Set up one high box about two feet away from a lower box.
-Step off the high box and as soon as your feet touch the ground, explosively jump straight up onto the lower box.
4 sets of 10 jumps

Jump Squats:
-Using a weight that is about 15-20% of your one rep max for the back squat.
-Dip into the squat position and jump as high as possible.
-Be sure to land under control with your knees bent. Be sure to land on the balls of your feet.
15-20% of one rep max for 10 reps

Vertical Jumps:
-From the standing position, jump as high as you can in the air.
Jump as many times as you can in 15 seconds.

Here’s the workout:
(You will complete this circuit two times with a :60 second rest between exercises)
1. Back Squat – 85% max – 8 reps
2. Power Shrug – 85% max – 8 reps
3. Jump Squat – 15-20% max – 10 reps
4. Depth Jumps – 10 reps
5. Vertical Jumps – As many as you can in15 seconds
6. Plyo Step-Ups – 10 reps
7. Reverse Crunches – 20 reps

I know that this circuit is not your typical ab workout and the exercises presented here are probably not what you are used to. It may be hard to believe that you can develop six pack abs without doing your regular abdominal targeting exercises, but with this total body approach, you will train your entire body, boost your metabolism, and torch the stubborn belly fat that is covering up your hidden six pack. You can defeat your stubborn belly fat and crappy genetics by not following the herd and training smarter and not repping yourself into oblivion doing useless crunches and sit-ups.

Here's to your new six pack!


About the Author

Jamin Thompson is an internationally recognized fat loss expert, fitness model, motivational speaker, and sports performance expert. He is the author of the best selling six pack abs e-book, The 6 Pack Secret: Fat Burning Secrets of The World’s Top Fitness Models.

He offers men and women from all over the world the best ab workouts for six pack abs without using bogus supplements, gimmicks, or crash dieting.
Vist his website here => www.

Thursday, 22 July 2010

How To Give Her The Best Orgasm Of Her Life

The female orgasm is a complex and mysterious thing. But once you master the technique of taking your girl to the edge of ecstasy and back again, she'll be yours forever.

Here's how to give her the best orgasm of her life:

#1. Make sure she's comfortable, relaxed and feels good.

Pay her lots of compliments - tell her how gorgeous she looks, how great she smells, and how wonderful she tastes. Start the compliments way in advance of the actual event, and make her feel special, sexy and loved.

#2. Tease her.

Don't just dive right in to the good stuff, take your time. You have to play with her mind before you can play with her body. Tease her during the day, drop subtle and suggestive hints about what you want to do later, give her a passionate kiss and pull away early and so on. Work her up to a state where she can't think about anything except sex.

#3. Excite her, push her boundaries and thrill her.

Basically, do whatever she wants. We all have deep inner desires. Maybe she wants to be spanked, or have her hair pulled. Maybe she wants to lie on a bed of roses and have honey poured all over her. Maybe she wants to risk doing it outdoors or in public. Whatever she wants, make sure you're doing it.

#4. Keep things new and fresh.

Sex should never get predictable, or else it becomes boring and stale. You should be constantly learning and educating yourself to pick up new techniques to use in the bedroom. Keep surprising her and keep her guessing, and she'll love you for it.

#5. Combine multiple sensations and stimulations.

Don't just stick to one stimulation. You've got fingers, hands, lips, a tongue and of course the rest of your body. She has many erogenous zones besides the obvious 3, so make sure you've delivering pleasure from all angles to provide maximum impact and the ultimate orgasm.

To learn more about how to give her the best sex of her life, visit=>
=>> http://

Monday, 19 July 2010

Premature Ejaculation Quick Fix - 3 Quick Ways To Arrest Your Ejaculation Tonight

There are quick fixes and there are longer term ones. If you're looking for a premature ejaculation quick fix then there are many options open to you.

Thicker Condoms

Whilst these do take away many of the sensations, they can still be extremely useful for lasting longer without using any drugs.


You can buy benzocaine condoms or get hold of a lidocaine spray. Both do the same thing - they block some of the nerve signals.

So whilst you get a little less pleasure, you also experience a little more time in the bedroom too.

Different Positions

Did you know that the missionary position commonly makes many men ejaculate too early. In fact, I recommend this position only for "finishing off". Aside from the three "standard" positions, there are several that are more intimate and yet enable you to last longer too.

One such position is the coital alignment technique. I recommend googling it.

Downside of Quick Fixes

Quick fixes are just that - usually temporary. If you envisage having sex very rarely then they might be good for you. But if you plan on having more regular sex, perhaps with a long term partner, then you need something much better.

Luckily, there are as many long term, permanent fixes as there are quick PE fixes. The best of these are natural training programs that are designed to allay your fears of ejaculating prematurely which are actually the ultimate cause of your problem.

Discover quick and long term fixes to totally eradicate your premature ejaculation here: Ejaculation Supremacy.

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Top 10 Tips To Give Women An Orgasm

Written by Oprah Expert: Michael Webb

Did you know that women can experience different
types of orgasms and can even have multiple

It’s true! Unfortunately, many women can
go years without an orgasm from their partner, and
we all know how hard it is to satisfy a woman.

Here are 10 tips to increase the chances she'll
reach climax, including the secret to multiple

1. Start outside the bedroom - Want to increase the
chances she'll orgasm? When was the last time you
surprised her with a little drawing, letter or
flowers and sent them to her at work? Believe it or
not, creative and romantic gestures DO turn women
on because love and lovemaking are interconnected
in a woman’s brain. Do this and you can
bet-your-bottom-dollar you'll be doing more than
just eating dinner when she walks in the door! :)

2. Relax her - It’s very hard for women to orgasm if
they are stressed. Give her a quick back massage.
Rub her shoulders, upper back and neck to melt away
the tension.

3. Ignore the vagina - Did you know that prolonged
foreplay actually increases the chances of her
coming? That's right. By kissing, caressing and
touching her LONGER, you’ll build the sexual
tension and often the anticipation will be very

4. Change your focus - If you focus all your attention
on the woman first, you'll make love to her much
more passionately. Think about it! If you've
finished first and decide to help her come, you
won't have the enthusiasm and passion that's needed
to keep her hot and turned on.

5. Tip to last longer - Of course the first step to
help her reach orgasm is by not coming. The best
way I've found to not come is: Penetrate as normal
and when you feel like you're about to come, simply
move your hips in a circular motion (like swaying a
hula hoop) and wait until the “little guys” subside
again. Now continue pleasuring. :D

6. Don't use lubricants - Women have a natural
lubricant that fills the vagina when they're turned
on. By using a product substitute, you're only
fooling yourself. Without products, you’ll
instantly know if things are working; but with
them, you can never be sure.

7. Never too much clitoris - Did you know that once
you've stimulated the clitoris for some time, a
little thing called the clitoral hood will actually
come out and cover the clitoris to protect it from
further direct stimulation? (And no, I'm not making
this up!) The point is, once the clitoris is fully
stimulated, make sure you pleasure the G-spot next,
whether it be with your hand, tongue or penis.

8. Find and stimulate the G spot - The G-spot is a
zone that feels like the roof of your mouth and is
located about 2 inches inside the vagina on the
topside. (On the underside of her stomach.) There
are two basic ways you can pleasure the G. With
your fingers by doing a “come here” motion or with
a love position that helps hit the G-spot…

9. Use the best position - Not all love positions are
made equal. The best one for women is the reverse
missionary (woman on top). This is probably the
easiest position for a woman to climax because she
can control the friction to her clitoris and/or

10. Give her oral sex ­ The single best way to help a
woman reach orgasm, even multiple orgasms, is by
going down on her (cunnilingus). While at first I
didn’t believe it, countless studies have been done
to prove this fact. Oral sex is easier and much
more satisfying for women than intercourse is.

Try the ABC’s with your tongue, ask what she likes,
and mix it up with lots of different movements!
However be VERY careful! With over 6,000 nerve
endings in the clitoris, make sure you know everything
there is to know before poking your tongue around
there, otherwise it could be really painful and, even
worse, spoil the mood.

So there you have it ­ 10 tips you can start using
right away to give women the most earth-shattering
experience of their lives.

About the author:

Oprah Love Expert Michael Webb is the author of
Lick by Lick, the complete guide to giving women
oral pleasure. Unfortunately, most men leave women
frustrated and disappointed after cunnilingus.
Learn to be one of the rare men who can satisfy her
with oral sex by visiting:

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Sex All Around The House - Book Review

We all need to spice up our lovemaking at one time or another. In fact, it's very important to the well being of your relationship! However, with so many lovemaking books out there, does Michael Webb's latest addition to his lovemaking collection size up and stand out from the crowd? Let's find out…

The Oprah expert's latest book called “Sex All Around The House” takes a very different turn for ways to spice up your lovemaking. Rather than talking about positions, techniques and locations, this book focuses on how everyday household items - yes, the ones already laying around your house - can be used to spice things up.

On first glance, I was a little hesitant of the idea of using things from my house… I mean how many could there possibly be? Ice, oils, candles? Come on! However, I was actually surprised by the amount of unique and wonderful things you can use, and I quote, “to get your partner's engine revving.”

Want to hear some more? Get frisky in a sleeping bag, fun and challenging! Wear nothing but an apron to cook a meal and surprise your partner - great turn-on, especially for men. Play a sexy game using an MP3 player where you each have an earpiece and have to make love without it falling out - including changing positions and giving oral - playable with or without sexy 'penalties.'

There was even one about wearing earplugs! Everyone knows you can heighten sound and touch by blindfolding, but almost no one thinks about trying earplugs to block out sound from your steamy passion. Nice idea to heighten touch and visual sense and create a totally new experience.

I was also surprised to discover that some of these items can be used to make men last longer and even an item that makes some adventurous positions possible. Nice addition!

So as you can see, this book actually has some fantastic and exciting ideas you can use to spice up any lovemaking, no matter how fiery it already is. And best of all, because toys are so expensive, you'll save lots of money (and lots of embarrassment) by using the items you already have around the house.

And were there any downsides? Yes. The book could have had a few more ideas, considering you won't like all of them (no one will like all of them!) but there are definitely enough to keep me VERY happy. :D

All in all, this is a great resource that you'll wonder how you did without. Whether you want to add more fire, perform better in bed or just have more fun, you'll find many tips and ideas to make it happen. To learn more, visit: http: //

Wednesday, 14 July 2010


Lee Ryan has produced a world class work on longboarding that equals anything yet written about learning to surf and especially learning to ride a longboard. The title says it all, because as we all know it’s easy enough to learn, but it can take years to master the art of longboarding.

As a nine times British Champion who has lived and surfed throughout the world, Lee has long paid his dues and now resides in New Zealand. Lee has put all of his knowledge and experience to work to offer up a holistic look at longboard surfing overall, and a manual for improvement at all levels.

There’s a breakdown of each manoeuvre into their finite steps, with tips from the likes of Josh Constable, Jye Byrnes and Taylor Jensen, including of course all the essential manoeuvres like walking, nose-riding and cutbacks, etc. There’s also a reasonably comprehensive guide to etiquette, fitness training, design principles of boards and fins, along with a host of background surfing information.

A Shortcut to Longboarding is presented in an e-Book format; that is it is down loaded over the internet onto your home computer and then you can save it to your computer’s C Drive. If you wish you can of course print off a hard copy and make your own book.

At 103 pages and loaded with great colour photos it would be a bit of a toll on your printer and add a few bucks to the cost. The high quality accompanying photos feature great surfers in great waves, but some readers may find the almost constant ASTL logo overprinting a bit annoying.

At only $AUD43.17 it takes about 5-10 mins to download depending on you broadband connection. In 15 minutes you’re already learning of a few new tricks. There’s plenty there that will keep you reading for a while and lots worth going back to if you’re serious about improving your surfing.

Getting hold of an eBook is a lot quicker than a trip to the bookshop, but as Lee says he is looking at a short run release of a full colour, glossy, book version, that will include a CD version and we’d all look forward to that too. Also more interactive sequences are in the wings along with video clips – these are up-gradable and will come free of charge. All up it’s most impressive.

A Shortcut to Longboarding screams Chrissy present for keen grommets and crusty old salts alike!

Rating: 9/10

For more information visit the website here: http: //

Sunday, 11 July 2010

The Top Ten Muscle Building Tips

By Jason Ferruggia

1. Lift weights for no more than three to four days per week
. Doing so is not only unnecessary but can quickly lead to over-training, especially if you are doing other physical activities such as cardio or playing recreational sports on a regular basis.

2. Limit your workouts to 30-45 minutes and 15-20 total sets. If you can't build muscle and gain strength in that time frame then I’d say you are half assing it. You have to remember that results are greatest when energy levels and mental focus are at their highest. That is during the first 30-45 minutes of your workout. Going beyond that point causes both of these to plummet.

3. Use big, compound exercises and lift heavy. Deadlifts, military presses, squats, bench presses, rows and chin ups should always be the main focus of your muscle building workout programs. These have been the best muscle building exercises since the beginning of time and that will never change.

4. Continually try to get stronger and always track your progress with a training journal. Progressive overload is the most basic but often forgotten principle in weight training. It states that to make progress you need to constantly increase the amount of weight you lift. Follow this rule and you will get bigger and stronger. Ignore it and you will get nowhere. If you are benching 225 right now, you better be benching 315 by this time next year if you want to build muscle.

5. Train with a multitude of rep ranges. Doing this allows you to target both slow twitch and fast twitch muscle fibers and maximizes your muscle building capabilities. Reps from 1-20 should be used to target both fast twitch and slow twitch fibers.

6. Always change your weight training program every 3-4 weeks. After 3-4 weeks on the same program you will start to burn out and your results will slow down. To keep your body in a muscle building state, be sure to change your workouts frequently. If you have been lifting for several years, this may need to be done every two weeks because you will adapt more rapidly to the same stimulus.

7. Make a serious commitment to eating. Proper nutrition plays a huge role in your muscle building efforts. Without adequate calories you will never grow optimally. Force feed yourself if you have to and be sure to time your carbs correctly, meaning around training and at breakfast, while cutting them out at night if you want to stay lean while building muscle.

8. Be sure to get at least 8-10 hours of sleep per day and take naps whenever possible. When you are sleeping is when you are building muscle. Sleep is the time when you recover and grow. Without adequate sleep you will never reach your true potential and your muscle building efforts in the gym may be wasted. Do not overlook this important factor.

9. Utilize recovery methods. Training and eating properly are not enough to ensure the fastest muscle building results. You also have to be sure to use whatever recovery methods you can to accelerate your progress. Some of these include taking contrast showers or baths after training, stretching after training and on off days, icing, using foam rollers and whatever else you can think of to help you recover faster.

10. Find a good training partner. While I left this for last on the list it may, in fact, be the most important factor of them all. Without a good training partner your results will always be less than what they could be. It is imperative that you try to find someone to push you and to compete against if you really want to take your muscle building efforts to the next level.

Jason Ferruggia is a world famous fitness expert who is renowned for his ability to help people build muscle as fast as humanly possible. He is the head training adviser for Men’s Fitness Magazine where he also has his own monthly column dedicated to muscle building. For more great muscle building information, please visit~> http://

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Make Money Blogging

Most people don’t realize how much money there is in blogging. The first time I saw people blogging; I thought they were completely nuts! But that’s until I figured out they were make thousands of dollars per month. I then figured out I was the was the nuts one…

So now that I know exactly how to make money blogging, and have done it myself, I’m going to explain to you exactly how they are doing it and how you can get started too! It’s also extremely easy… Let’s just say it takes about an hour a day and you’re good to go making a lot of money online. But that’s only if you know the secret that I’m about to reveal to you!

Most of the people out there blogging are missing out on thousands of dollars since they don’t know the simple secrets! If you are one of them, or if any of them are reading this now, I guarantee you/they will smack their head on a wall multiple times for not realizing this earlier.

The BIG secret to blogging is, becoming an affiliate to products related to the blog you own, that’s it! Now let me explain to you exactly what I mean by this… Lets say you have a blog about training dogs. Now you can place ads on the blog, which is what most of the people out there do. Yeah, you can make a good amount of money if you have MILLIONS of people reading your blog, but chances are, you will never have that. Sorry to burst your bubble. But lets say you do have 30k people a month reading your blog. If you become an affiliate of a dog-training product and write a short 300-word article on it to your viewers, I guarantee that you’ll make a lot more than ads will make you. The reason for this is because you can earn up to 75% promoting peoples products. So if the product sells for $100, you’d make $75 per sale! Out of 30k viewers, you’d probably get around a 2% conversion rate since they all want dog training information, meaning you have targeted readers. That’s around $45,000 dollars you’re missing out on… Now just do this once a month and I think you’ll be happy with that right?

But hey! You don’t have to take the ads off your blog, leave them on for some extra money. But if you’re not doing what I just told you to do already, go out and do that right now, if you don’t, I don’t know what to tell you.

If you want more information on affiliate marketing, and how you can join my free 7-day Bootcamp, go here now! http://