Friday, 29 May 2009
How to make women laugh... and FALL IN LOVE
==> Click Here!
The course is one-stop solution for ANYONE who wants to be a TOTALLY humorous guy. This works for ANYONE -- regardless of looks, education, nationality, location, cultural background -- who wants to make women laugh and fall in love.
Find out more at:
==> Click Here!
The course "Make Women Laugh" will show you tested-and-proven techniques including:
- 14 basic "humor characters" you can play to suit any woman's personality
- How to become the funniest guy in the group and remain as the center of attention
- How to make women laugh uncontrollably by stating simple facts that most people take for granted
- How to create an illusion of improvisation while you're actually delivering rehearsed material
- 4 powerful humor techniques to make a woman "think sexually".
... And much, much more.
Simply click on the following link to continue:
==> Click Here!
Thursday, 21 May 2009
The Greatest Gambling Package Ever is live!
my blog for any reasonable length of time then you would have
noticed that I don't hold back when I don't like something and nor
do i tend to link to many products out there.
But, today is different. Because I have just been and purchased
what I can only describe as a complete betting and gambling
educational pack.
Forget your average "will not work in 3 months time" system, this is
a masterclass in the things every punter should know.
In this Gambling Pack you will discover how betting works and why
they work that way, how to win some decent money for a change
and not waste it trying to trick bookies or casino sites, why most
systems on sale are absolutely useless, and most importantly
everything you ever need to become a professional gambler, as
told from the best gamblers in the world.
In fact, I have read my copy a few times already
- it's that good I can't put it down.
I have come to refer back to it time and time again, like I said it's
a complete education into everything to do with gambling.
Infact I know that I will soon be able to master the art of every kind
of online betting around - be it Betfair, Horse Racing, Poker,
Exchange Trading, Texas Hold'em or Blackjack! -
== >> Greatest ever gambling package
Enough about me, I'd strongly advise you to take a look for yourself,
the website is -
== >> Greatest ever gambling package
- By the way, that's the webpage with the discounted price on it,
so don't spread that link around - only give it to people you like !
Take a look, I'm convinced you wont be disappointed.
Thanks and until my next blog post,
bye for now.
== >> Greatest ever gambling package
Friday, 15 May 2009
Workouts for Surfers How to improve your surfing when there is no swell
By Clayton Beatty BSc
Wouldn’t you like to be able to surf harder and longer, get more barrels, bust bigger airs and surf with more style? And wouldn’t you like to be able to accomplish this without even getting wet?
Surfing has reached a new level of professionalism in recent years, with pros opting to train harder and smarter in an effort to increase their performance out in the waves.
Mick Fanning’s rise to the top was driven by his dedicated approach to his fitness regime after a debilitating hamstring injury. Taj Burrow has personal trainer (Bra Boy - John Gannon) flown around on tour to keep him in peak physical condition at all times. Obviously fitness training for surfing is becoming more and more important to the top professionals.
So what can the rest of us mere mortals do to improve our surfing ability whilst stuck on dry land?
The secret lies in functional training.
What is functional training?
Most fitness programs created by fitness trainers are designed for bodybuilders not athletes. Generally these programs are generic in nature and do not tailor to the specific needs of the sport.
Functional training is working out using exercises that have movements similar to that used in the sport, in this case, surfing. It is basically training for a specific purpose.
From a performance perspective, functional training overloads your body whilst you are doing similar movements to that you would use whilst out in the surf. Your body then adapts to this overload and the result is that these movements are easier to perform whilst surfing.
There are many movements your body undertakes whilst surfing including paddling, pushing, squatting and twisting just to name a few. Therefore it is important any functional training program incorporates core strength, balance, upper body strength and lower body strength.
The following functional exercises are designed specifically to improve your surfing ability. All you need is a stability ball and a basketball or weight plate.
Russian Twist
This exercise will work your core muscles in a twisting motion.
Lie on a stability ball with your feet on the floor and knees at right angles.
Hold the basketball above your head and roll to the side until the tip of your shoulder is on the ball. Repeat on the other side.
Do 8 repetitions each side.
To increase the intensity, do the exercise faster (with good form) or use a weight plate or medicine ball instead of a basketball.
This exercise will improve your leg strength, balance, and core strength.
Start in a lunge position but with one foot in front of the other.
Keeping your body in an upright position, lower your back knee towards the ground stopping just short of touching, whilst rotating the ball to one side
Your front knee should end up directly over your ankle.
Push back up to the start position and repeat, but this time rotate to the opposite side.
Do 4 rotations each side and then swap legs.
To increase the intensity, use a weight plate or medicine ball instead of a basketball.
Stability Ball Balance Chop
This exercise will train your balance and core strength.
Kneel on the ball whilst holding a ball next to your hip.
Lift the ball above your opposite shoulder whilst maintaining your balance.
Repeat the exercise 8 times per side.
To increase the intensity, use a weight plate or medicine ball instead of a basketball.
Stability Ball Push-Up
This exercise will improve your upper body strength and balance.
Perform a push-up with your hands on a stability ball.
Make sure you brace your abdominals and keep your body straight.
To make it harder, place your feet on a bench.
Do as many repetitions as possible.
Incorporating functional exercises into your training schedule means your body will be able to withstand the extreme physical conditions that it is exposed to whilst you are surfing. The result for you – surfing will be easier, you will be able to go harder and longer, recover faster, perform better tricks and basically have more fun!
For a complete functional training program designed specifically for surfers, which includes training for core strength, balance, cardiovascular fitness, upper & lower body strength and flexibility, visit
Clayton Beatty is the fitness expert behind, a website dedicated to functional training for surfers.
How to Get a Girl to Like You
While men are primarily attracted to women based on their looks, a woman finds a man attractive because of his personality. A ideal man is an alpha male who's confident in himself and not afraid to take the lead and get what he wants out of life.
Ironically, what this means then is that the best way for a girl to like you is when she feels like she has EARNED you.
That's because to get a girl to like you, you should come from a mindset of high value. Never come from a position of neediness.
So the best attitudes to have towards any one particular woman are:
1. Nonchalance.
2. Non-attachment to whether she likes you or not. (By that I mean, if she likes you that's awesome, but if not, there are tons of other chicks out there who are equally as great as she is.)
The bottom line is that a woman should never be a challenge for you. Instead you should be a challenge for her.
In addition to placing a high value on yourself, you can also eliminate neediness by building up your social network. Make friends with as many women as you can. (Women are easy to make friends with.)
Also date as many women as you can... don't restrict yourself only to dating "that one special girl."
You see, the last thing you ever want to have going through your mind when you're around that special woman is, "God, I MUST have this girl! She's irreplaceable!" Having an abundance of women in your life will solve that problem.
Also, whenever a woman sees that other chicks are attracted to a guy, she too feels attraction. Psychologically, this is known as the "social proof" phenomenon... and it's much more powerful in women than men.
Ever noticed how your female friends drool over the guy at the corner of the bar who's got four babes at his table? That's social proof in action.
By the way, it's fine to think a girl is beautiful and to feel something strong for her.
Here's the key though... you must always remind yourself that there are LOTS of other women out there who are just as wonderful as that girl you really like.
If you start thinking that any girl is one of a kind, then that gives her power over you, and, ironically, makes her lose attraction to you.
So, you're free to think that a woman's amazing. Just remember that lots of other girls are amazing too. That way you won't become needy.
So remember, place a high value on yourself, make her earn your attention, and hang out with as many women as possible... those are the three secrets for how to get a girl to like you.
John Alexander is the developer of How to Become an Alpha Male, a seduction success system for men. Discover the excitement and pleasure of having gorgeous, horny women automatically drawn to you like a magnet.
For more details ==>> Click Here!